Choosing between cardio exercise and resistance training mostly depends on your individual fitness goals, preferences, and overall health. Both forms of exercise offer unique benefits, and understanding these can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your overall fitness goals.


Cardio Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise, or cardio, includes activities and exercises that raise your heart rate and improve the efficiency of your cardiovascular system. Some of the most common forms of cardio exercise include running, cycling, swimming, and aerobics. There are many benefits of cardio exercise. For one, cardio strengthens your heart and lungs which in turn can reduce your risk of heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. Cardio is also great for a steady calorie burn which is great for those looking to lose or manage their weight. The repetition and length of most cardio workouts are great for building up your endurance and stamina. This in turn can make everyday activities much easier on your body. Lastly, cardio exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in your brain which can improve your mood, and reduce anxiety and stress.


Resistance Training

Resistance training, also called weight training, involves using green weights, machines, or your body weight to target and build a muscle’s strength and endurance. One of the primary benefits of resistance training is that it helps build and maintain muscle mass. Weight lifting also has the benefit of being helpful in the strengthening of your bones. Resistance training increases bone density and can thus reduce your risk of osteoporosis. Another pro to weight training is that the more you build muscle mass, the greater your resting metabolic rate is, meaning you can continue to burn fat even after you have finished a workout. Lastly, weight training is practical and functional in that it makes you stronger for everyday activities and can reduce your injury risk.


Choosing Between Cardio and Resistance Training

So, when it comes time to choose a form of exercise, what should you consider? Firstly, it should be noted that there is no reason you cannot benefit from the best of both worlds, incorporating both strength training and cardio into your exercise routine. Both styles of workout are great for weight loss. Cardio burns calories in the moment while weight lifting creates muscles that increase your metabolism and the long-term calorie-burning potential of your body. Cardio is ideal if your goals are for heart health, though some resistance training can also give you these benefits. Strength and muscles are best gained through resistance training, but cardio can amplify the powerhouse of your muscles by increasing your overall endurance and stamina.



In the end, what you choose is highly individual to you and your own fitness goals and your overall health. A combination of both cardio and resistance training can be a great way to get the best of each style, while also keeping your exercise routine interesting and mixed up. Ultimately, if a fitness plan is going to be effective it has to be something you enjoy so that you can stay consistent and reap the many benefits of regular exercise.