One of the most important relationships that you can build up when you choose to make an apartment your home is the one with your landlord. You may view this one as more of a business relationship where you just hand them a check each month and they will hopefully show up when something does go wrong with the apartment. But having a good landlord and tenant relationship is going to serve you well in the long-run because you have a chance to get things done faster, won’t have to worry about an eviction, and may find that it is much easier to get a recommendation letter if you do decide to move out later on.


While you don’t have to become best friends with the landlord and go hang out all the time, you should aim to have a respectful and civil type of relationship at the very least. Not only is this going to encourage both of you to have open communication about issues with the property, remember all those maintenance requests that you would like to have done, but it is possible that this relationship will make it so the landlord is more flexible when you need it down the line.


For example, there may be a time when you need to be a few days late on the rent or you will need to break your lease early. If you have a bad relationship with the landlord and haven’t been a good tenant, these situations are going to be so much harder and it is unlikely that the landlord is going to work with you at all. That good relationship can benefit you since the landlord may be more willing to wait a few days for the rent or consider allowing a subletter to move in.


You will have to read the room a bit and see what works best when maintaining a good relationship with your landlord. Avoiding a lot of complaints, taking good care of the apartment, and paying your rent on time can go a long ways in improving the relationship that you and your landlord have.


A townhome can be one of the best places for you to call your new home. These rentals will give you some more of the space that you are looking for, along with a nice neighborhood and some amenities that will fit the bill at the same time. If. You want all of these and more, then check out our townhouse for rent in Alameda to see if it is right for you. Contact a member of our team today to learn more and take a tour.