I just started playing TBC Classic a week ago, and as a new player, I want to seek out directions to the zones, dungeons, and WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold raids in Outland. I can play them as they come on the map, the most important thing is that all the things I play within the expansion to be in chronological order according to lore. I've completed all quests within Hellfire Peninsula, the two dungeons of Hellfire Citadel, and all the quests in Zangarmarsh in the Serpent Lake dungeons. There are now quests in several zones, and I feel a bit confused.
It's easy to think of it as a retail lens. There's no "chronological order" or overarching narrative to the expansions quests, most things are very much isolated to their own regions. They didn't really do big epic story telling at the time. So like, at 68 you have two options: Shadowmoon or Netherstorm However, neither of those zones are in any way connected with either zone, and are distinct things, meaning there's no proper order of story. To play raids, you'll prefer to go to Kara > Gruul’s > Magtheridon> Tempest Keep/Sepernt Shrine (again, they aren't in an orderly sequence), Hyjal Black Temple, Sunwell. ZA exists and is really enjoyable, but as with many troll things, it's kind of its own thing, it doesn't "fit in" anywhere.

TBC was initially designed as an expansion and playing a TBC server would give you access Classic content (though it's now obsolete). They are currently considered distinct games that benefit players who like the classic version of the game.

Wow classic has basically been dead since the release of TBC classic therefore I'd select tbc, if I were you. Are you new to the game? If yes, I'd recommend that you try the retail option instead. It's more refined and provides a variety of quality-of-life improvements.

The trash monsters in the area just before the boss have buffs that increase their dmg by 10 percent. You can then take them out until a mage spell steals I think 8-10 stacks. Then when the mages gets max stacks , you go and kill bosses and make the mage remain in the blue beam for the entire time. Giving him all the innervates and tides you can , and healing the shit out of the mage also. Arcan can reach these numbers the frost and fire are about 5k or so.

My friend, a healer and tank and I manage heroics. We carry the dps for duration as long as the boss is hit (level from 68 to 72 boss). There are dungeons in which it's possible to have an issue, but there are tons of heroics where the issue isn't that important.

Yes, it happened once. We were able to stop that run. It wasn't any kind of belt, but it was a huge win. If you've been able to manage the adds and maintain healthy health of your cheap WOW TBC Gold shield, you're typically safe. However, if you've been negligent and let adds fall, it's tough to salvage.