Lost Ark's Moake World Boss is a field boss who drops a variety of valuable collectibles, materials for Tier 3 gear honing, and a variety of other items. Located on the continent Punika, the boss can be found in Tikatika Colony. Anyone who is in the vicinity of the colony can fight it, and it can be killed by anyone else. However, fighting this battle is only recommended for those with an Item Level of 1,415 or higher, as it is a difficult battle. While the vast majority of those who survive this battle have Item Levels significantly lower than this, you should be aware that some of your attacks will be blocked.



During your time playing Lost Ark, World Bosses will appear on a regular basis, providing you and anyone else in the area with the opportunity to band together and take on an extremely difficult boss. As soon as you defeat the boss, you will be rewarded with a large amount of loot, which will include valuable collectibles and materials for improving your gear advancement.

For those who wish to engage in combat with Moake, they should travel to this location in Tikatika Colony. You should consider starting or joining a political party in order to maximize your impact on the political process.

A World Boss fight will officially begin at the top of every hour when one is available, but you will have until about three minutes after the official time to get to the boss and find a group of other players with whom to fight. If you do not challenge Moake within three minutes, the fight will begin immediately and you will have the opportunity to do so.
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Remember that if you bring Moake too close to the edge of the circle, he will reset, which is the most important thing to remember about his fight with you. During the fight, a circle will form around you, and you must keep your opponent as close to the center of the circle as possible at all times to remain victorious. Moake's resets are essentially a waste of time, so try to keep your group in the center of their map at all times in order to avoid this.

When Moake is surrounded by an extremely wide red and blue circle, one of his most important attacks is a massive Area of Effect attack, which can be seen when he is surrounded by an extremely wide red and blue circle. Despite the fact that you may be tempted to flee from the Area of Effect, staying close to the center is the best course of action in order to prevent Moake from resetting his trap. Due to the fact that the attack does not deal significant damage and will not knock you out in one blow, you should be able to withstand it.

The use of a freeze is another important attack to know about. You will have to attack your teammates in order to free them so that they can continue to deal damage to your opponents after they have been frozen. As a rule of thumb, once you've been frozen, you're almost certainly going to die. As a result, death will play a significant role in this battle, as you will almost certainly have to resurrect several times throughout it.

It is possible that you will be able to obtain an Omnium Star at the conclusion of the Moake battle. An Omnium Star is a highly sought-after collectible that can be exchanged for excellent rewards in Nia Village after the battle has concluded. Along with this, you'll gain access to some Tier 3 gear honing materials, such as Guardian Stones, Destruction Stones, and protection materials, which can be used to enhance your existing gear or to create new gear entirely.

Keep in mind that you can only earn rewards for this boss once per day, so it's not worth your time to go through this entire process again and again.