The brand logo acrylic display stand is a common publicity tool. But do you know why you should choose the brand logo acrylic display stand? Today Lianwei tells you the function of brand logo display stand and the advantages of brand logo acrylic display stand.

The role of brand logo display stand

As an indispensable display function for the company's product sales, the brand logo display stand needs to have its own personality and specific cultural manifestation, so more and more brand logo display stands have gradually become an exclusive in design and craftsmanship. A brand logo display stand exclusive, thus opening the door of the company's brand, allowing the company to move to a larger stage. Brand logo display stand is the brand function embodied in commercial display, which can present a benign image effect to the enterprise.


Advantages of brand logo acrylic display stand

1. Visual Effects

The brand logo acrylic display stand has strong visual impact, various colors and gorgeousness. The acrylic material itself is smooth, transparent and beautiful, and can be processed in various forms.

2. Persistence

The brand logo acrylic display stand panel is covered with high-concentration UV absorber, which can maintain long-term weather resistance and never fade; the service life of high-quality panels is as long as 8-15 years, which is unmatched by metal characters or inkjet. The product has good protection for the built-in light source and prolongs the service life of the built-in light source.

3. Impact resistance

The impact resistance index of the brand logo acrylic display stand is 200 times that of glass, and there is almost no risk of being broken;

4. Light transmittance

The light transmittance of the brand logo acrylic display stand is as high as 93%, with excellent light transmittance and soft light, requiring less light intensity and saving electricity. Compared with neon lights, acrylic letters are overall luminous, unlike neon lights, which are line luminous, and softer than neon lights.

5. Aesthetics

The brand logo acrylic display stand has bright colors, high brightness, exquisite workmanship, mirror effect, no folds and no seams. It is incomparable with other materials.

6. Flame resistance

brand logo acrylic display stand is non-flammable and self-extinguishing; acrylic sign.

7. Easy maintenance

The brand logo acrylic display stand has a rational design, is rain-proof and moisture-proof, and has an open structure, which is convenient for maintenance and maintenance. Moreover, the brand logo acrylic display stand is easy to clean, it can be cleaned naturally by rain, or just scrubbed with soap and a soft cloth.

8. Recyclability

The brand logo acrylic display stand has a high recyclability rate, which is recognized by the growing awareness of environmental protection.

9. Temperature resistance

The brand logo acrylic display stand can withstand high temperature of 70°C and low temperature of 50°C; within this range, it will not deform.


Lianwei is a brand logo display stand wholesaler, if you need it, you can email, Wechat contact 75118317, visit or click to contact us.