With the development of technology and society, LiFePO4 batteries have developed rapidly and are now used in many fields. Today SNJO takes you through the development of LiFePO4 batteries and presents you with an analysis of the development of LiFePO4 batteries, which we hope you will gain from reading!

The current development of LiFePO4 batteries

Since 2020, the LiFePO4 battery market has been picking up and has entered a new growth cycle. Tesla with LiFePO4 batteries has rapidly boosted the LiFePO4 market. 2021 is the beginning of the new energy vehicle subsidy policy, which has given OEMs a direction in the planning of new energy models. 2021 will see a stronger development of LiFePO4 batteries in new energy vehicles, energy storage, two-wheelers, heavy trucks, and electric ships. The cost advantage of LiFePO4 batteries has a tenacious existence in cost-sensitive markets, and the overlay of some new technology solutions can solve the performance shortcomings to a certain extent. In the past year, demand in the LiFePO4 industry chain has picked up and the supply and demand pattern has improved, and LiFePO4's position in the power battery market will be further strengthened.


The development direction of LiFePO4 batteries

1. Lead-acid market replacement

LiFePO4 battery energy density can reach 4 times that of lead-acid batteries, cycle life is also 3-4 times that of lead-acid batteries, energy conversion efficiency can reach 97%, and more environmentally friendly. Previously, the biggest advantage of lead-acid batteries is the low cost, and now the price of LiFePO4 batteries is close to lead-acid batteries, considering the cost of a single cycle, LiFePO4 batteries are less than 1/3 of lead-acid batteries, so it seems that LiFePO4 batteries to replace lead-acid batteries is the trend.

2. Beyond ternary lithium batteries

LiFePO4 battery cost per unit is about 20% lower than ternary lithium battery, and LiFePO4 battery is more environmentally friendly than ternary lithium battery. Theoretically, LiFePO4 battery has more advantages in safety, its positive voltage is low and thermal runaway temperature can reach more than 300℃, while the ternary lithium battery is around 150-200℃. Ternary lithium batteries have a cycle life of 800-1500 cycles, while LiFePO4 batteries have a cycle life of over 2000 cycles. In summary, LiFePO4 batteries are better than ternary lithium batteries in terms of safety, cycle life and economy. In the future, LiFePO4 batteries are expected to surpass ternary lithium batteries.


SNJO is a LiFePO4 battery supplier,if you need LiFePO4 batteries, welcome to call +86-571-63850363, e-mail sales@saintishtech.com, visit https://www.snjopower.com/ or click https://www.snjopower.com/Contact-us.html to contact us and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.