The led emergency backup driver is often used in various emergency situations. Do you know what technology it uses? What are the challenges? Today Effort introduces the technology used by led emergency backup driver and the challenges it faces.

Technology used in led emergency backup driver

 led emergency backup driver

The traditional LED driving technology mainly refers to the power electronic technology that realizes the driving power supply, which generally realizes the driving of a single light source. At the system level, the driving technology, such as the network-controlled LED intelligent lighting system, needs to use information electronic technology to realize the communication of the LED driving power supply, and use computer technology to realize the analysis and processing of the communication data. Control over multiple light sources.


Challenges faced by led emergency backup driver

1. Coexistence of multiple light sources

Multiple light sources meet the lighting needs of people at different levels and occasions, but also bring inconvenience to the application. In many application environments, multiple light sources are used at the same time, requiring people to master different installation and maintenance skills. How to reduce the difficulty of application has always been the need to promote LED. Many studies and applications have shown that led emergency backup driver is an idea to reduce the application threshold. This kind of driving power can adapt to the current situation of coexistence of multiple light sources and meet certain market demands.

2. Network control

The rise of the concept of the Internet of Things has enabled a large number of products to realize networked control and promoted the process of intelligent lighting control. Among them, digital communication equipment is generally used. For this kind of system using digital communication equipment, from the perspective of system architecture, the digital LED power supply is more conducive to the realization of intelligent functions such as fault diagnosis, status monitoring, switching lights, dimming, and data transmission of the power supply. However, from the current research and application, the digitization of led emergency backup driver has been initially realized, but more is to use the simple superposition of communication module and led emergency backup driver. 


The above is the technology used by led emergency backup driver and the challenges it faces. The led emergency backup driver is a new type of technology product, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and can better help us deal with emergency situations.


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