UCLA football coach Chip Kelly spoke to the media following the Bruins 40-32 win over No. 15 Washington at the Rose Bowl on Friday night. Kelly talked about his team's compete level in a high-stakes Pac-12 showdown, Dorian Thompson-Robinson's clutch factor, the defense's emergence against quarterback Michael Penix Jr., the offensive pieces meshing together and the importance of a loud crowd in the bleachers.Thoughts on the win?I thought our guys competed. I thought our defense did a great job in the first half. ... Penix led the nation in pa sing coming into this game. For our guys to stake us that lead, and we needed every inch of it. But to put them behind, so it turned into a real big throw game for them in the second half. We knew how explosive their offense was, but we generated a pa s rush with our front. I thought our guys did a great job in coverage. To get them to turn it over twice in the first half is really good for us on the defensive side of the ball, and then for us not to turn it over at all, I think thats a big thing we talk Travis D'Arnaud Jersey about all the time, winning the turnover battle. You've got a shot, when you're playing in conferences games, if you can win the turnover battle.Defensive line?Yeah I thought, you know, Jay played, Jay did a great job with the snaps that he got. And then the rest of the guys, its just really what college football is all about. Its got to be next man up. Losing Martin for the season is obviously difficult, and you feel for Martin because hes been such a warrior for us. But I think our other guys are taking advantage of the opportunities that have been presented to them and I thought they did a really nice job.Dorian's performance?Yeah, I just thought he was clutch. We really have total confidence in everything that Dorian does. I think hes got a great grasp of what were Lenny Dykstra Jersey trying to do. You know, you look at the last play, its 3rd-and-6, we werent running the ball, we threw it, but he put the ball exactly where it needed to be. We converted, got the first down and we're up to run the clock out, but that's the confidence we have in him at quarterback.Significance of the moment?We were excited. Anytime you get to play a conference game against a really good Washington team You watch what they did to Michigan State earlier in the year and look what they did to Stanford last weekend. We knew we were going to get everything they had. Theyre a really well-coached team. They got a lot of skill on that team. And I think the quarterback has really been a difference-maker for them. So were excited that we got a chance to get one in the books on Friday and then we can watch some other people play tomorrow.Dorian's best game?Comparison is the thief of joy. He's had a lot of good games. He had six touchdowns against SC in the Coliseum last year. You know, hes had some other really good games too. But this was a great game for him. I thought he played outstanding. That's the confidence we have in him as our leader and as our quarterback.Bobo, Charbonnet and the O-line all coming together?They did. And I thought Kam Brown really contributed. I think were getting Asdrubal Cabrera Jersey production out of our outside receivers. For the last couple years, because of the talent with Greg Dulcich and Kyle Philips, we had a little bit more inside receiver. Now that both of those guys have gone on to the NFL ones with Tenne see and ones with Denver, so we know how talented those guys are. But for our outside receivers, for Jake and Kam, to step up the way they stepped up today and become a matchup problem for some people that was big for us because we can get the ball distributed to the perimeter. But if you got to cover out on the perimeter, then it opens up some holes for Zach, and I thought Zach carried the load like hes done in a lot of games. Defense made stops they needed to tonight?I was really proud of them. Especially in the first half, I thought their energy and I thought their how they were playing, the different looks they were doing to disguise and the ability to get two turnovers in the first half against this team, because this team had been clicking on all cylinders in the first four games. You Tug McGraw Jersey watch them on tape and you can tell this is a really impre sive football team. So for us to kind of hold them at bay a little bit, I think was the difference really how our defense played in the first half.Stephan Blaylock pick leads to Kam Brown TD?Yeah, I think we talk about responding all the time. So when we get a turnover, if our offense doesn't do anything with the turnover, then it really doesn't count. So when you have a turnover, we have to respond on the offensive side of the ball. So if our defense can create turnovers, we gotta respond on the offensive side of the ball and turn that into points. I thought that's what they did in that situation.Big crowd tonight, how important was that?Scroll to ContinueI think it was really important. It was good that we got the kids back on campus. It's a little bit different I was talking to Kalen about it, Washington's a quarter school, so but to get our kids back on campus. For them to come out for the first time their back, and we got to play a Friday night game in the LA traffic I saw three accidents on the way to the game, I'll give credit to our police escort, they were weaving and dodging and there was a lot of things going on, but that's a typical Friday for those of us that live in Los Angeles for the people that came out, especially at 7:30 on a Friday night, to come and see a team that I think is fun to watch. So, hopefully we continue to grow on that. We got a huge game next week against Utah at home here on Saturday, Mike Piazza Jersey so hopefully we'll get more of that.How important was this moment national TV, under the lights?I think and we talked about in the locker room after the game but this game is a race to maturity. You're going to get tested, but competitors respond in those situations, whether it be momentum swings, adversity, or just random events that happen at a game. But it's about playing the next snap and not being down and having a little bit of resolve, and I think our kids continue build that as they get going. There's a resiliency to this group, they've been through a lot. We've been fortunate, being on the pretty good end of the score the last couple of games, I don't know what it was, they've won eight in a row as a group, and I think each week they get a little bit better. In each week, there's a new challenge, depending on who you play. So, we got about a day, because we're playing Friday night, to enjoy it, and then we have the defending Pac-12 champs coming in here in Utah. So that'll get your eyes up, getting ready for that one.