GARY BARTA: Yeah. Thanks, everybody. The Zoom world allows me to multitask. Just finished up with wrestling in Carver and Braden Smith Jersey just working on a bowl logistics meeting.I was really grateful to receive the call this afternoon from the TransPerfect Music City Bowl, something that they have been talking to us now for a couple of weeks. Actually, we've been in great conversations for a few years and as most of you know, we were invited and then that went sideways due to COVID.But I know our players are excited. I was talking to a few of them yesterday about this po sibility. And, first of all, I want to congratulate the players, the coaches. They have earned this opportunity. So, I'm really excited for them.I'm also excited for our fans because over the past few years, I know many fans have approached me saying they would be excited to go to Nashville and take over that city. So really excited about the opportunity and I know it's a great bowl. I know our fans are going to enjoy it and our players and coaches are truly going to enjoy it.A great property for the team. Certainly, a terrific and familiar opponent playing against Kentucky. So, looking forward to it. I will turn it over to Kirk, and then if people have questions for either of us, happy to try and answer those afterward.But again, Kirk, congratulations. 20 bowls as a head coach, that's quite a run.KIRK FERENTZ: Well, appreciate that, Gary, and thank you.Obviously, we're just really happy and excited to get the news. It was great to learn from Steve Ramsey that we're going to have an opportunity to play in the TransPerfect Music City Bowl in Nashville, and as Gary mentioned, we thought we had that opportunity coming a couple years ago. Brandon Facyson Jersey It didn't materialize. So, this is really special.Also, as has been mentioned, it is our 20th bowl now since 2001, and I think each one of them represent, I think a significant accomplishment, and then the other part about it, each one is really something that's appreciated by everybody in our team, our program. They are special opportunities for our team, most importantly our players, and just to have this happen is really a good thing.In general terms, the way I've always looked at it, it's one more chance for our entire football team to compete together and work together for another couple weeks, which is great. For the seniors, it's exactly that because this will be the last time they get a chance to compete with the Tigerhawk on their helmet, and I can tell you, it's really special before they go off to their adult lives or whatever chapter is next for 'em.And then for the younger guys, it's significant from that standpoint as well as just it's an opportunity to continue to develop, and these are really important opportunities for all the players that haven't played a lot or even guys that have played that are younger to continue to move forward as players. And really the way you learn how to play football, there are a lot of different things that go into it, but the most important part is you have to go out and do it and practice it.And we only have limited opportunities, so to pick up this month is really beneficial for everybody. And if you want to have a highly competitive team, competitive program, it's just a really important opportunity.So, again, just appreciative on a lot of levels. You look acro s the line now, it's always good to know where your playing, and then who you're playing. Certainly there's some familiarity with the Kentucky program, Coach Stoops being a graduate of this program and playing-wise and a Matt Ryan T Shirts sistant, but more importantly, just what he's done as the head coach in the program they've built at Kentucky, and we got exposure to that firsthand last year at this time. Nothing but great respect for them. I'm not overly knowledgeable about this year's team, but I know what their program stands for and how it's built and we know we're going to be in a very competitive situation. Again, a big challenge for us. So that's exciting as well.Then as kind of an interesting sidebar, my nephew brought it up, that we kicked off the calendar year, 2022, playing Kentucky and now ironically we're going to finish it on the 31st with the same opponent. So it's a little bit of an interesting sidebar. And as Gary mentioned, we thought we were going to Nashville a couple years back and now we get to actually do it.So anyway, it's just really good to know who we're playing. We can now start thinking a little bit about our preparation and doing some game planning as well as the other things that we are doing.Just shift gears for one second. Our roster is in a proce s of shifting, probably like every college football program in America right now. These are unchartered times, certainly, with some of the new things that are going on in college football, and we're really no different. So we got a few things that are going on there, and then on a notable front, unfortunately, Spencer Petras will not Kwity Paye Jersey be able to play in the game. The injury he had in the Nebraska ball game was significant enough to require surgery. So he's not going to be able to compete. Nobody's more disappointed than him, obviously. Like any player that has an injury that requires surgery, it just takes 'em out of competition. It's good that he'll be with us, but all of us wish he wasn't on sideline supporting the team. But that is the one thing I have to report right now.Otherwise, I'm not really aware of anything new injury-wise since last week. Hopefully, it stays that way. So we'll go from there on that front. As I mentioned too that rosters are shifting right now, so like everybody else we do have some movement Curtis Brooks Jersey . That could go really up until any point. Like years in the past, you've got guys making decisions about NFL status, decisions about playing in bowl games, just a sign of the times, like the portals. So we'll keep you abreast of that as we learn more.A couple guys have made up their minds. A couple guys are trying to figure out what they want to do. I just encourage our players to give a good thought. And the biggest thing is once we start our preparation in earnest, I want to make sure everybody's ready to roll and they're totally on board.So the other part, just playing at the end of t00he month gives, I think, us ample time for our guys to do a good job finishing up the last week of cla ses this week, going through finals, and then giving us a chance to have a good preparation block before we head down to Tenne see. So all that kind of I think pulls together pretty well.And then, again, just as we move forward, as we get more information about logistics, travel, all those types of things, we'll be sharing them as we go. Just want to say, again, in review, just really excited to be invited to the TransPerfect Music City Bowl, excited about the opportunity, and really excited for our team to have the full bowl experience. And I know our players that are on the team that were on the team in 2020 were exci