BOO! Have we scared you? Good! Since we have some huge news for you -

We are eager to declare that the Spheres token is currently accessible on SpookySwap, the main DEX-AMM on Fantom!

With just under $1 billion in total locked value (TVL) and over $150 million in average daily trading volume, SpookySwap is Fantom's largest DEX-AMM.

In a new blog entry we reported that the Spheres token is currently accessible on Fantom utilizing the Multichain cross-chain span between Ethereum, BSC, Torrential slide and Fantom. The Orbs token address was also added to the most popular Fantom block explorer, FTMScan.

Following these effective reconciliations, Fantom clients can now trade and add liquidity to Spheres pools on SpookySwap!

We should Get Creepy With It
There are presently 2 dynamic Spheres pools on Creepy, the biggest of which is Circles USDC with more than $110k in all out liquidity. While looking for the Spheres token in the tokens show, you might have to add the Circles token by entering the Spheres contract address in the pursuit bar.

As usual, prior to leaving onto another chain, there are a few things you really want to recollect:

Set up a Fantom viable wallet: Here is a brief guide to configuring Metamask for Fantom if you are using the Metamask wallet.
Pick a bridge that crosses chains: We suggest utilizing the Multichain span as portrayed in our new blog entry regarding the matter.
Store your wallet with FTM tokens: ORBS tokens can now be bridged into your Fantom wallet. Also, send some FTM tokens because FTM is the Fantom network's native token for paying transaction fees.
You are now ready to use Fantom with SpookySwap!

First Major Fantom Integration!
Spheres' venture into the Fantom biological system is looking incredible so far with this mix to Creepy, the biggest DEX-AMM on Fantom!

Orbs is now available on seven major infrastructure chains thanks to this latest integration: Fantom, BSC, Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Avalanche, and Harmony Additionally, Orbs can be found on well over 30 of the major DeFi platforms and protocols on each of these chains (including UniSwap, SushiSwap, PancakeSwap, Kyber Network, 1inch, Alpaca Finance, Beefy Finance, QuickSwap, DinoSwap, Raydium, Trader Joe, Pangolin, and SpookySwap, with additional additions anticipated in the near future).

Fantom is one of the DeFi ecosystems that is expanding at the fastest rate and has a lot of untapped potential. On the Fantom,SpookySwap exchange, Orbs is just getting started. Stay tuned for more information!

Please be aware that using SpookySwap, the Multichain bridge, FTMScan, the Fantom mainnet, and the other platforms and services that were mentioned earlier carries a significant amount of risk. Decentralized financial products and digital assets are by their very nature highly experimental, volatile, and risky. Security and economic risks, exploits, and transactions may exist on these platforms and services, and there may be no refunds. Using this method could result in significant losses.

You are solely responsible for all transaction decisions when using any of the aforementioned platforms, applications, spookyswap fantom or services. You should conduct your own research and independently examine any third-party platforms and services, as well as any applicable information terms, conditions, or policies.

SpookySwap is a decentralized digital money trade laid out in . The exchange currently supports 313 trading pairs and 158 coins. According to reports, SpookySwap 24h volume is $8,500,926.55, a decrease of -12.87% over the previous 24 hours. WFTM/USDC is the most frequently traded pair, with a 24 hour volume of $3,084,631.01.