On the 20th April 2021 The management of TECHFRICA LLC held a successful meeting with one of Sierra Leone's finest and most anticipated music producers Moses Baimba who's popular known by the Lord Mo; who also happens to be the president of the Sierra Leone Producers Union (SLPU).

The purpose of the meeting was to see how best both parties (TECHFRICA & SIERRA LEONE PRODUCERS UNION) can work together in partnership to push-out and showcase africa's one and only online music streaming platform; AUDIOFRICA

The President; Abdul Aziz Koroma and the VP. of Operations; Edward Bassie Conteh proposed to him all the unique features of this platform and the benefits it will provide to them as producers of music.

According to Lord Mo, he said he's very happy for such a wonderful platform. He further went on to say he has heard of this platform but he did not know what was the right channel to use to get the platform and that he strongly believed also that his colleagues also might have heard of this platform, but don't know exactly what was the process involved to be a part of it. 

"This is a very good initiative especially for us in the business world, it can help to rapidly liquidate our businesses and bring monies to our pockets; and I believe as a union we will earnestly with TECHFRICA LLC to see how best we can push our brands and showcase our LOCAL CONTENTS to the world"

A unanimous conclusion was made by both parties as they will be creating a special account on the AUDIOFRICA platform which will be dedicated to the Sierra Leone Producers Union (SLPU) as it will serve as their hub to be uploading their beats and sell it out to the persons of interest.

Prior to the partnership between both parties, seminar sand other learning process activities will be organized so as to enlightened not only the producers of music, but also the artists as well

The meeting was concluded on the signing of the partnership which will be unveiled to the public in due time!